8 Encore Azaleas for Easter

Add these reblooming azaleas to your Easter decor

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Easter bouquet with Encore Azaleas

Encore Azaleas’ reblooming flowers make them a popular choice for adding color to outdoor spaces. Whether you choose to plant them in a container or in your landscape, consider using them in flower arrangements, as borders or hedges, or as accent plants in containers. They come in a variety of colors, making them easy to coordinate with your Easter decor.

These brilliant Encore Azaleas will add a pop of color and freshness to your space, evoking feelings of spring and Easter.

Encore Azalea Autumn Ivory

Autumn Ivory

A great option for a compact, reblooming container plant that can be grown on your front porch or in your landscape. Its white flowers bloom in the spring, summer, and fall, making it a versatile choice for your Easter front porch. Plant in zones 7-10 in a spot that receives 4-6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Autumn Ivory is a dwarf variety growing 2.5’H x 3’W.

Autumn Sunburst Encore Azalea

Autumn Sunburst

These unique blooms of coral pink with white ruffled edges are sure to lock in that Easter spring look you’re looking for. With profuse blooms against its compact dark green foliage, your guests will be asking where you found this reblooming beauty. Plant in zones 6-10 in a spot that receives 4-6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Autumn Sunburst is a dwarf variety growing 3’H x 3.5’W.

Close-up of vibrant pink rhododendron flowers with lush green leaves.

Autumn Royalty

Not only is this variety award-winning from the American Rhododendron Society, but it will also have all of your guests “oohing and ahhing” over its beautiful magenta-purple blooms. Its newer foliage emerges as a light green before maturing to its rich dark green color. Plant in zones 6-10 in a spot that receives 4-6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Autumn Royalty is an intermediate variety growing 4.5’H x 4’W.

A cluster of light pink azalea flowers with darker pink speckles, surrounded by green foliage.

Autumn Chiffon

Producing bi-colored blooms that tend to be bright white on the edges and whitish pink the closer you get to the center, and magenta pink freckles decorating the blooms makes this selection perfect for your front porch container garden (and beautifully pairs with Autumn Royalty)! Plant in zones 7-10 in a spot that receives 4-6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Autumn Chiffon is a dwarf variety growing 2.5’H x 3’W.

Close-up of a vibrant pink azalea flower with detailed textures on its petals, surrounded by green leaves.

Autumn Coral

This selection will all but bring the Easter bunny hopping to your front porch to catch a glimpse at these blooms. Pink flowers with small flecks of dark pink cover this plant and leave you counting down the days until the next season! Plant in zones 7-10 in a spot that receives 4-6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Autumn Coral is a dwarf variety growing 2.5’H x 3’W.

Pink azalea flowers in bloom with green leaves, some petals and leaves show signs of wilting.

Autumn Empress

This reblooming azalea sets the tone for your memory-making with a gorgeous background for your Sunday Easter photoshoot. With blooms so mesmerizing your kids might actually sit still from how distracting they are. With medium pink blooms and dark green foliage, the contrasts between the two are truly a showstopper. Plant in zones 6B-10 in a spot that receives 4-6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Autumn Empress is an intermediate variety growing 4’H x 3’W.

A lush azalea bush with vibrant white flowers in full bloom, set against a soft-focus background of a garden and a white picket fence.

Autumn Moonlight

This fast-growing selection brings lighter green foliage and white ruffled flowers that give your front porch the spring cleaning facelift it needs! Its abundant display of white double blooms will have you so invested season after season, coming back for more. Plant in zones 7-10 in a spot that receives 4-6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Autumn Moonlight is an intermediate variety growing 5’H x 4’W.

Vibrant pink azalea flowers among lush green leaves.

Autumn Cheer

This dainty variety is the perfect choice for smaller gardens or porches. Though small, Cheer reblooms with bright, rich-pink blooms that pack a punch and light up any area. What it lacks in size, it makes up in bloom production! Plant in zones 6-10 in a spot that receives 4-6 hours of direct sunlight a day. Autumn Cheer is a dwarf variety growing 3’H x 3.5’W.

P.S. Newly planted Encore Azalea container gardens also make great hiding spots for Easter egg hunts!

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