Design and Projects

Encore Azalea landscape planting

How to Create a Masterful Landscape with Encore Azaleas

Homeowner enjoys Encore Azalea blooms in garden

Press Play on Encore Azaleas and Binge-Watch Repeat Blooms

A close up of pink flowers on an azalea.

Plant a Sweet Peach Garden Aesthetic

Purple Encore Azaleas in patio

Pretty in Purple Azaleas

Rhododendrons azaleas rhododendrons azaleas aza.

Pretty in Pink

A brick house with pink flowers in the front yard.

Infuse Your Garden with Radiant Color: The Magic of Encore Azaleas

Pink and while dwarf azaleas planted in front of a house porch

Playing to the Crowd: A Front Yard Your Neighbors Will Love

Azaleas in poolside planters

Poolside Planters with Encore Azalea!

Pink dianthus and pink azalea

Dynamic Duos – Companion Plants for Encore Azaleas

entryway garden layout plan

Memorable Entry Gardens Begin with Encore Azaleas

Red flowers on a bush.

Warm Up Your Garden Beds with Trendy Reds!

Rhododendrons are blooming in a garden.

It’s All Relative – A Reblooming Azalea Guide

A backyard with a pool and potted plants.

Stars of the Summer

Press Play on Vibrant Color

An Urban Garden Color Explosion

Encore Azalea sizes

Size Up Your Garden

Easter bouquet with Encore Azaleas

8 Encore Azaleas for Easter

A path lined with pink flowers leads to a white brick house, featuring potted plants and a red foliage plant near the entrance.

Plant Dwarf Encore Azaleas & These Companion Plant Suggestions

These Reblooming Azaleas Are the Stars This Season

Rhododendrons azaleas rhododendrons azaleas aza.

Autumn Sundance Spotlight with Jim Putnam

Pantone color sample card showing shade 18-1750 tcx, named via magenta, with a textured, zigzag edge on top.

Viva Valentine’s Day!

landscape front yard layout plan

Your Entry Walk is a Canvas: How to Transform Your Walkway Using Encore® Azaleas

Create An Evergreen Winter Porchscape

A variety of gardening tools, including an apron and a gardening tool.

A Holiday Gift Guide